I Can Hear You.

 I had my second surgery on the 19th. We are still in the wait to find out period. Not sure if it worked or not.

This one was different from the other. I had some pretty significant vertigo which got worse when I closed my eyes. It didn’t last a long time and it was not the worst I had ever experienced so, over all, this ear was a little easier. I felt calm and confident in my surgeon and quite accepting of any outcome. Success or not, I still hear better in my right at than I have heard in 15 years.

The only side effect now is the left side of my tongue is slightly numb and it has no ability to taste…zero.  I am not a foodie so it doesn’t devastate me. It may or may not come back. No big deal. 

I feel nothing but gratitude for a doctor willing to push back on a previous diagnosis and question his fellow physicians. 


  1. I hope this second surgery is a success too and helps your hearing! New Year's blessings to you!

  2. I hope it will end up having a positive outcome! I wouldn't like the lack of taste but sometimes (like with Covid) it comes back.

  3. I hope this one is a big success! This is indeed good news. Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year, Linda. I pray this second surgery helped.

  5. I hope all goes well and that the surgery was truly a success! (NewRobin13)

  6. I hope it makes a positive difference for you. Finding the right doctor is a challenge - I'm glad this one was willing to explore a different possibility. All the best for the New Year!

  7. I'm hoping for the best for you.

  8. Congrats!! That is all good news. A great way to being 2024. Happy New Year to you Both!!

  9. That is great news and a wonderful gift to begin the new year. Happy New Year to you both and let it be filled with great health, happiness, love and peace. Onward we all go!


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