A Very Good Year

 2023 was a year of highs and lows.

The beauty of it is that I no longer let the highs and lows define my existence. My focus is broader and allows a bigger view of the world so that the lows are buffered with beauty and the highs are tempered with gratitude.

The end of the holidays marks the leaving of my kids. They came. ALL OF THEM CAME, and I marveled at having them near, of getting to know their faces that are a bit older than the last time I saw them, of hearing their voices with new maturity, of taking pleasure as they interact and start to realize that each of them holds memories of each other that are precious. I felt like I was in a bubble of pure wonder. 

What I had to offer was a safer version of me, a more predictable, less manipulative human. I’m not really afraid anymore. Fear is not in the driver seat.

I have loved this visit and I will love when it gets back to normal. I am a creature of habit. Changing it up has been fabulous but my body will be more content when we get back on track even as my heart stays right here soaking up the last bit of the visit.

Wishing you all the happiest, healthiest New Year 💖


  1. Sounds like a wonderful visit. Have a lovely new year.

  2. I am so thrilled your whole tribe was there. That's the best gift of all!

  3. How wonderful to have had all your kids home for the holidays! Wishing everyone a wonderful 2024!

  4. I know what you mean about the joy of having everyone together for a holiday but also the relief of going back to a normal routine.

  5. What a beautiful gathering of love you had there. The most wonderful gifts of the season. Happy New Year! (NewRobin13)


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