
I miss the taut skin under my chin and the girl with the smooth complexion. I also miss the lovely, reddish brown hair that was smoother than it is today and the flat belly. Yes, I loved that flat belly.

But that is just about all I miss. Yes, that is it.

I love this lady that no longer lives in self doubt, who tries to live in the moment. We see the beauty in every sunrise and every sunset. Shame no longer is the driver of this vehicle. The fear of “not enough” rarely shows up. 

In looking I the mirror this morning I see a warm smile, eyes wrinkled with sweet familiarity and hear, “Hello old friend, what are we going to do today? Where can we love?”


  1. You're right -- growth, understanding and maturity are more valuable!

  2. I miss those things too but am not willing to sacrifice to get some of them back.

  3. Change is constant, the best we can do is embrace it and have some good old fun. :)

  4. I really like that woman you see in the mirror now too. However, the most important thing is that you like her and with good reason too.

  5. It's hard to get older and notice the aging process with/on/in our bodies. In all honesty, there comes a point when it is a relief to let our youthful assumptions about beauty go. Beauty is so much more than that. And so are we.

  6. I love how you see yourself and what you hear in your morning mirror view. So beautiful. (NewRobin13)

  7. I miss my eyebrows. But the rest? We're cool!


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