Like Herding Frogs.....

One day I heard a strange sound in the backyard. And then, I heard it again. "Did you hear that?", I ask, "What was that sound"?  Boy Scout patiently explains the obvious...."it's a frog."

We have one. She, or he, has a great big bullfrog voice. I love hearing it, reminding me a little of the Boy Scouts voice. And also, I love that I am able to hear it. Apparently, she's been around for awhile and with my pre-surgery hearing I was completely unaware. 

Now that I know we have at least one, and with the awareness of the smile it imprints on my heart, I did some research and found that there are ways to encourage others to come round. Shelter, water and bugs. Nature takes care of the bug part, the PNW takes care of the water and I will provide the shelter. Rock caves will work. I plan on planting them around the yard. 

Oh come, ye who is seeking shelter......come and make a joyful noise.



  1. I smiled at reading 5at you heard the frog, Linda. Yay! Such a welcome ribbet indeed.

  2. Big Smile! I'm so happy for you.

  3. How marvelous! I hope your froggy tenant has at least one new frog friend soon!

  4. I love that you love the frogs there. We love them here too. Ribbet! (NewRobin13)


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