Seeing Green

Do you ever struggle with envy?

In the main, I do not. I have learned what it is that triggers those bouts of jealously and try to buffer myself against it. I left Facebook behind a long time ago. It didn’t help my life’s journey.

Two of my sisters travel a ton together. A TON. The have been all over the world. They’ve been to much of Europe, done a safari, stayed on Greek islands, seen the Caribbean, did the Panama Canal and more. Much of the time it is on cruises, which I don’t envy at all, but on road trips too.

I love road trips. I love the freedom I feel when unencumbered and not on a schedule, seeing what comes round the next bend.  

My sisters and their spouses are doing a southwest tour, seeing places I’d love to see, doing tours I’d love to do. The green bug has bitten. It’s not fatal. I’ll recover in a short period of time but I do envy their ability to hit the road. And perhaps that they get to do it together.

There! I said it. Now, deeeep breath, come back to this beautiful spot, the soft rain, the yellowing trees. Another gorgeous day in Portland. 

I think I’ll go home and……

Who knows, I’ll figure it out.

Happy Tuesday 💞


  1. It's hard not to feel envious sometimes. Hugs!

  2. I too am guilty of envy at times. It's normal.

  3. There are probably people who envy your lifestyle too. We are use to the way we live and sometimes don't appreciate it but other people who read or know you or even just met you could admire the way you live.

  4. Envy is a tough one. Being human isn’t for the weak! Take care!

  5. I hadn't thought about it before, but yes, I do feel envy sometimes. An interesting question, though, because I don't struggle with it. I'm going to have to think about this some more.

  6. It's funny you say this because I don't get envious often. But when I do, it's usually travel. It's not bad envy, but just a tinge of sad green.

  7. I have sisters who are twins and they travel together all the time. I can't imagine anything worse th


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