Another Option

To: J

Once again, without saying much of anything, you allowed me to see a life situation from a different point of view. 

From my childhood I learned to look for what could go wrong, to be cautious, and to protect. Protect what? I was never beaten, never bruised on my body. Nor was I taught resilience, or if I was, I missed the lesson so thoroughly that I was forced to build a protective barrier to keep the pain out. And to be fair, the little girl that I was, she was hurt by the dance that the two people, who held her safety in their hands, had to do regardless of the age and ability of the on-lookers to understand, process and realize that it nothing to do with them.

When I earnestly shared my concern, you pushed back with what might be possible, pointing out, without meaning to, my narrow train of thought, the one that seeks to protect at any cost. Also, you showed me a form of more unconditional loyalty that says “I am on your side, no matter what.” It’s not the first time you’ve broadened my perspective, it likely will not be the last. 

Life sends us people to open our minds and hearts. It’s good to be ready for the lesson.


  1. And you are open-minded enough to consider those other options and perspectives!


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