You Have Not Heard The Half of It

Surgery is done!

The results are yet to be known. The doc whispered to me during my lovely twilight nap and I heard him so I am hopeful. Will know more the next few days and weeks.

Interesting procedure, noisy and uncomfortable but I felt well at ease. He warned me that I would hear the loudest noise I have ever heard and he was not wrong. Very loud noises normally trigger my fight/flight response but apparently not when happy nap drugs are dripping in my veins. He graciously woke me to warn that it was coming, I replied with an ok and bam! “Wow”, was my only response. I think I sounded like a surfer dude. It was more of a “WOOOOOOOOOOOOW”,

The tinnitus has not been reduced but it is also no louder. I gave it my best shot and what happens happens.

The malleus, incus and stapes, which is smallest bone in the body. It’s gone and replaced with a prosthetic that looks like the tiniest plunger ever made. 


  1. Best wishes for a full recovery and excellent hearing in the future! :)

  2. Glad everything went well -- fingers crossed that you will see the improvements you want over the next few days as you heal! Love the phrase "happy nap drugs" too, lol.

  3. Hope all is well today and that your hearing has improved.

  4. Amazing! Wishing the best results possible!

  5. It's amazing that they can do surgery on such small bones. Fingers crossed and I'm so excited for you.

  6. I'm very excited for you. Hoping for the best. Wow, indeed.

  7. Hoping for the best! That is a very tiny bone.

  8. Hoping for the best results for you.

  9. Sending all good wishes for a successful surgery and much improvement! eep us posted!


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