Is There Anything Else?

My gratitude practice has been foundational for changing the wiring in my brain. I started a journal a number of years back. I don’t go around saying I’m grateful for this or that, pronouncing, out loud, all the good that is happening. It’s not so surface. It’s more an embodiment of the things I love or the things I have not loved but have been used for good results despite the discomfort or imposition. 

Gratitude redefines my reality and how I judge the unknown. The ups and downs are not so severe. It beckons me to stay in the moment, which I often do without having to give a lot of thought. It changes the focus away from the past and future. It eases the anxiety and softens the sadness.

I no longer keep a daily journal, it’s just part of my heart, but I am not opposed to starting it back up if I need a realignment.

Today I am grateful for hearing loss because it gives me some understanding and adds to compassion for those who have trouble communicating, for whatever reason. I am certainly grateful to live in a time and a place that I have some access to meaningful and life changing healthcare. And also for the ability to pay for that. I am reminded that it is not a given. 

Finally, I am grateful for my heart, which told me that it was not appreciating the way I was living, and instilled within me a deep desire for something more. 

Life just keeps getting better. 


  1. Great post! I like everything you said about the value of gratitude!

  2. I so agree. I went through a rough patch and started a gratitude journal. I found it just the other day. I carry gratitude in my heart and mind since then though I don’t write it any more. I will again though if I need to be reminded!

    Great post!


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