I Fed Scruffy

Yesterday morning I was reading the news. It was early. I felt the Boy Scout roll over in bed and he said to me, "I already fed Scruffy".

That interaction, so small, so very unimportant and uninteresting, made my heart squeeze and I caught my breath. I heard him. For the first time in years I was able to hear a normal voice, understand it fully and process it instantly-WITHOUT ANY HEARING AIDS.

Now, that my not sound like much to the average Jill or Joe but it was huge. The packing in my ear moves around a bit, mutating what comes inside and sometimes making strange noises, echoes and muffles. At that moment in time the sentence was clear and precise. Could it have been louder? Sure, but it was loud enough.

Hopefully we keep going in the same direction.

I am thrilled.


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