
This morning I am looking into applying for jobs. When my surgery is over, when I can hear, I will get a job. I will support myself.

Opening the Indeed app, my heart drops, the multitudes of job listings, the page after page of positions open, has now declined to three. Not three pages, three jobs. How, in this bloody damn city, can this old gal find a job when I am up against people 1/2 my age or more? How does a wrinkled broad with hearing aids and age spots compete?

In just seconds I went from hopeful to feeling heavy.

But it’s only a moment. And moments aren’t forever. And I’m not competing. I am me. 


Full time with health benefits would be lovely. If you speak to the universe can you put in a good word?


  1. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, both for the surgery and a new job!

  2. You got this, Linda! Thinking of you and wishing the best, always!

  3. Maybe with the new lease on life (hearing) you can try another field and grow in a new and exciting way. learning something new. It may be invigorating. Then again, what do I know. Boy Scout did it. 😁

  4. Everything changes. The job listing will, too.


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