Hello Monday!

It’s a cool morning. I’m sitting in a parking lot, preparing myself for the workday, listening to the podcast On Being with Krista Tippett interviewing Ross Gay, professor/poet. It’s titled Tending Joy and Practicing Delight. 

As I listen, a light blue minivan, dented and well used, drives to my right. He’s going slow which catches my attention. It’s good to be cautious and aware of our surroundings so I am definitely watching. Oddly, he’s driving all over the parking lot. I wondered if he was just learning to drive and practicing in a safe spot. After awhile he gets very close as he passes. His window is open. He’s on a mission and does not notice me at all. He is tossing out  bread with a joyful smile on his face. He’s feeding the birds and he is pleased. Finishing up, he drives away. All over the parking lot are happy crows having breakfast. 

I can’t help but feel fortunate to watch this transaction. Without even realizing it, I was tending joy and practicing delight right along with him.

A great way to start the day.


  1. That is a truly wonderful way to start the day. I love that he was feeding the birds!

  2. Kindness to the crows works for me. Love those birds. Our neighbourhood murder grew by two this year.

  3. A nice way to begin a new week.


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