Busting A Gut


I am still fairly deaf. No complications that I am aware of. No pain.

For three days it sounded like I was in a giant drainage pipe where sounds were muffled and then echoed around inside my head. That was frustrating and disconcerting. I became overwhelmed easily and was more comfortable in the quiet and alone.

I attending one meeting of which I am the secretary. Before it began I leaned over to the Boy Scout and said, in what I thought was a whisper, “Can you tell me when it’s my turn to make announcements?” He looked at me, the guy next to him looked at me, and BS start laughing, then a little harder, then a full on belly laugh. Apparently, the meeting had already started and I just talked right over the guy leading it. Poor guy, I caught him of guard. Ah well, it was nice I could laugh too or, at least, not take offense at how funny my husband thought I was, with little to no effort on my part.

The echos are gone and I am immensely grateful for that. Healing continues. No idea if I’ll hear when this is over but I have a good feeling. 


  1. Thumbs up! Here's to the best outcome!

  2. It must take some time to heal from such surgery! Stay hopeful!

  3. Hoping for the best! What do the docs say about how long the healing will take?

  4. I am hoping that you will get the outcome you want! Fingers crossed!

  5. I will have that good feeling, too. I suspect they said it wouldn't be instant -- and at least the echo is gone, so that's a start!


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