Breaking Bread

Boy Scout loves music, all kinds. I’m more selective and sensitive towards what I call, and have always called, racket. I dislike electric guitar solos with a passion and any music where the instruments are louder than the singers. I also don’t like the screamers, so metal is out.

One other thing I don’t like: BREAD. The sappy love songs 🤮. When other love songs come on, they will often get an “Oh god. This could be Bread” from me.  The other day I Go Crazy came on the radio and I told him this could definitely be Bread. Yuck! He countered that it was much more Ambrosia than Bread. He had a point. Ambrosia sits only a few notches above Bread in my book. 

I would say I just hate sappy love songs but then I’d have embarrassingly admit to my Barry Manilow bent. It’s personal. It’s just Bread. Boy Scout just shakes his head in disgust. 

Do you have any bands that are just too saccharine?


  1. What I hate are those saccharine cornball country classics designed to squeeze a sentimental tear out of the listener, like "Watching Scotty Grow."

  2. I listen to it all and sometimes dislike songs individually, not a particular group or genre. I can’t think of anything I really dislike now.

  3. Ha! Barry -- he had good songs. His album with "When October Goes" is a favorite. I can't remember the name though and don't have it on CD. I like most but no -- electric guitar and solos and loud and banging is not for me!


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