Who Is He

He’s walking slowly. His hair, his clothing, both neat and clean. He is very young, maybe 25 but net yet 30.

His burden is heavy. Four large shopping bags overstuffed with goodness knows what. I don’t know for sure his agenda. He may be going to visit grandma or going to a donation center. I don’t think so though. 

Is he newly homeless? Did something happen just recently to change his status? Does he still have a job where his fellow employees don’t know? Is he struggling with mental illness? In a city, country where it is so easy to live on the edge, I think his edge came. He’s in the right place, where so many of his compatriots hang out. 82nd street in Portland is not a happy place, and he is here, with all his belongings, the ones he thought were important enough to pack in sturdy grocery bags. He’ll find a cart soon, it’s too heavy to carry far. 

I wish the Boy Scout was with me this morning. I am not lion hearted like my daughter. I want to be but I am not. I would love to say a good portion of that is because of my hearing and how hard communication can be but that would be a lie. I am afraid of unpredictable men. I earned my stripes for that fear. I don’t judge myself, just wish it were different  


  1. I too am curious and sympathetic toward people's journeys---interspersed with caution about what I should/can do to help.

  2. Unfortunately, caution is often warranted, I agree.

  3. One has to be cautious these days. It is a sad reality about the world!


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