Said and Done

Lunch is done! Praise Jesus (said dramatically, hands in the air, with a southern drawl…just kidding).

Louie is a nice guy. A little blustery and a little “know it all” but with a good heart but his wife, I just don’t like the woman. I want to be open and I was kind but I almost had the urge to clean after she left. Damn she’s judgmental and sure of her rightness. Her eye roll, used extensively over the 3 hours, was so practiced that I do believe she could see the back of her own damn head. Then the unashamed dumping of her 17 year old cat in a no-kill shelter because she was “done with it” came up and I’m pretty sure my mouth hung open for a few moments before I got ahold of myself. 

All other dangerous topics avoided with a few side steps.

Hopefully I honored my mom by presenting my best.


  1. You did great! Better than most of us would have. The cat thing would have done me in.

  2. You honored your Mom, indeed! Wow.

  3. I bet your tongue has bite marks on it though.

  4. Well done! You made it! Your mom is smiling down at you!

  5. The cat thing, I wouldn't have been able to hold my tongue. Well done.

  6. Yes, you honored your mom, and you did it well.

  7. I've been holding my tongue for so many weeks with our families that it's exhausting. That cat thing may have put me over the edge. I do not like cats one bit BUT that is inhumane. You don't do that to a pet for God's sake. What kind of people do that? Oh karma please work on this one!

  8. I would have lost it with the cat.


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