Pushing Through

Good morning.

Today, Boy Scout and I will host lunch for my mother's widower and his wife. They are nice people but they are not my tribe. I feel slightly agitated about how I will remain true to myself if either religion or politics are brought up. In my lifetime, in this country, those two topics were fairly separate. No more. Grandpa Louie and his wife are evangelical and MAGA’s, somehow confusing mango Mussolini with Jesus Christ. Intertwined are the Bible and the constitution. It’s fear, but their fear has a loud voice and a heavy hand, desiring to dictate how others live.

Louie was good to my mother and he was a loving grandfather to my children but take mom and kids out of the picture and there is very little common ground. 

Hopefully, I will have the power, self control and empathy to divert conversation to appropriate things like …..oh…..the weather, sports, animals, the weather…. And away from the morally bankrupt, misogynistic, ignorant, draft dodging, narcissistic …….oops, there I go again.

Wish me luck 🍀. I’m going to need it. 


  1. Good luck! Hopefully all turns out well, and you guys have an ok time. Nice you get together with them.

  2. Best of luck, you'll do a great job!

  3. It is increasingly difficult to remain calm in the face of the idiocy of the MAGA crowd. There's so much they ignore about their idol! Too much hypocrisy (and dangerous ideas/actions) for me to respect their POV.

  4. By now you are probably sitting around the table with your guests and I hope able to enjoy your meal. I wonder what led to the invitation. These individuals are much removed from you except for a thin thread of being marginally related and as you said are "not your tribe". Aside from courtesy you owe them nothing. If they bring up and cling to divisive conversation in YOUR home you owe them less. If eating out and you are "hosting", same thing. Hope all goes well.

  5. Wishing you good luck with a lovely lunch and easy light conversation about the weather and flowers.

  6. Good luck. When I'm with Rick's brother I avoid two topics -- politics and religion. Otherwise, not so good!


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