I Can See Clearly Now.

I have chronic dry eyes. I use eye drops the moment I wake up and then a couple of times throughout the day, as needed. I keep a bottle in next to my bed, in my car, in my purse and in my golf bag. The reason I do this is not just because of the discomfort of the arid desert that is my eyeballs but also because the loss of the tear film on the eye makes it far harder for the eye to focus. I just can’t bloody see.

I ran out and grabbed a bottle while at the market. Now, not all drops are equal. The ophthalmologists make it clear that preservative free is by far preferable when using regularly. This means one is paying a bit more. When I say “a bit” I mean anywhere from about  $19.00 all the way to $70.00 PER OUNCE! That comes out to be $2400 per gallon on the low side and $8900 per gallon on the high side.

As if that isn’t obscenely ridiculous enough, I recently found out that the companies that manufacture the eye drops purposefully design the bottles so that they produce drops far larger than need be. They flood the eye ball and ooze over which means you drop and mop. How convenient! That basically doubles the cost.

Honestly, it didn’t overly bug me when I was supporting myself in a manner that afforded an abundant lifestyle. I moaned and groaned but paid my dues and was glad to have it but these days, to add an additional $23.00 to a grocery visit that is already tight tight tight, it’s an issue.

It makes me wonder why I can’t boil water every couple of days and refill the little bottles myself but there are lots of warnings not to do so.

I think it’s a racket!


  1. Plain water would be even worse because we have salt in our tissues. have you seen a doctor about it?

  2. They have us right where they want us.

  3. It is a racket! What exactly is in the eye drops; is it just water?

  4. Yes, I have the same problem and struggle with the drops. If I need to use drops, I get single use vials, just enough for both eyes, no drips but so much plastic waste. Next I tried eye ointment (with dexpanthenol) and it works just as well, even better on very dry days. It's cheaper and you can do the dosage without waste.
    I realise I sound like a sales person, but I am not, just my experience.

  5. They have us by the eyeballs! Disgusting.

  6. I just read this post out loud to Roger. He suffers mightily from dry eyes, as well. He's been using OTC eye drops for years, but it doesn't work all that well. I think he might try a prescription to see if that works better. It really is a bummer. I hope you find something that works both for your eyes and your pocketbook. Take care there.


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