Everything is Not Rosy in the Garden

Been spending a lot of time in the garden, doing one thing or another. I’ve converted one zone of sprinklers to drip system in an effort to better care for our plants and to save water. Two more zones to go💪🏼

The other day, while puttering around, pulling weeds, mowing and cleaning up, I got a wee bit too close to a wasps nest. They didn’t take kindly to it. I must have been a sight. Old gal, yelling for the dogs, running for cover while swinging my arms and removing my clothes. They followed! They got me on the wrist, through my sweats on my upper thigh and down at my ankle. It wasn’t horrific, more stingy and hot. I iced them and took it easy.

Wasn’t expecting the extreme itchiness that happened the next day. Despite the Benadryl, I’ve bloodied myself like a pro.

I think the removal might be a job for someone besides me. I may not be a rocket scientist but I know when I’ve been licked. 

Wasp stings, the gift that keeps on giving. 


  1. I'm not a fan of wasps and I don't like them having nests around the house. They are the one thing I will kill. I noticed one a couple of weeks ago on the side of the house and knocked it down and sprayed it with killer spray. Took three goes with me running away in between.

  2. Oh my. Stay away from those critters! Hope the effect of the wasps is over soon!

  3. Man, that sucks! Hope you heal up soon!

  4. Ow!!! What a bummer. I hope the pain goes away soon. It's definitely nesting season in all ways. Thank you for the reminder to be careful.

  5. Oh, dear! That sounds horribly painful. I haven't been stung for a long time and I don't remember the itchy stage.


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