Surgery is scheduled.

If all goes well, I should see a marked improvement in my hearing by this time next week. Stapedectomy is not a long procedure. Cutting back the ear drum, proceeding further in, avoiding a facial nerve that would render the right side of my face useless, and a taste nerve that would cause no taste on the right side of my mouth if damaged, the tiny stapes bone will be laser blasted out and a prosthetic will be put in place. At best, dizziness for a few days, very little pain and voila! At worst, hearing gone. We will hope for the best.

How lucky I am to live today instead of 100 years ago. I’d be carrying an ear trumpet and saying, “EH? WHAT YA SAY?”


  1. Yay! Great news. Best results coming up!

  2. Good luck with the surgery! I hope all goes well and you will find a big improvement!

  3. Great news and hope it will all go well.

  4. Funny, I was thinking of ear trumpets the other day. One of my parents' old neighbors had both an ear trumpet and a spittoon. I was fascinated with both. I'm glad you don't need either! :)

  5. Fantastic. I hope everything goes well and it's amazing that they can do this.

  6. I'm hoping for the very best for you.


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