A Piece Of Work

The gift of weathering a long winter has arrived. The sun, early in its daily journey, is warming my body and lifting my thoughts to splendid things like energy, strength and gratefulness. The morning is new and I thought I would get some work done in the yard, hopefully not disturbing my friendly neighbors (the unfriendly ones, likely Lenny, a racist jackass, I could care less). So I will shovel quietly and try to beat the heat that is on its way.

I am trying to repair and convert the sprinklers to a drip system. So far, the previous installer has stymied my efforts but I remain steadfast in my task. Broken pipes need repair first then drips come next.  

Best get on with the job. 

Happy Sunday!  Hope you have great weather too🥰

As you can see, the ferns are suffering from lack of consistent watering

The azaleas and rhododendrons are ok but won’t be if I don’t get water to them soon 🥺❣️


  1. That's an ambitious project! Mowing the lawn and watering my annuals are the extent of my gardening efforts. Beautiful weather here too.

  2. I'm so glad you have a beautiful day there for working in your yard. It's sunny and warm here too. We loving every blue-sky moment!

  3. We finally finished our spring gardening of Saturday! Hope the drip system works out!


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