Let’s Go For A Spin

Today I will be having what the doctor, rather innocuously, referred to as a balance test. Come to find out it’s a bit more than that. It is almost as if they are going to try to produce an episode of vertigo to see how prone I am.

Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever had a case of vertigo but it’s for the birds. The last full episode I had was 5 years ago this July. I woke with the world spinning. For a week I couldn’t walk or figure out what was up or what was down. For a month I couldn’t drive safely. Luckily I had some fabulous care givers.

The after affect lasted a few years. It felt like my brain was bobbing in water and had trouble keeping up with any turn of the head. While those after affects were merely unpleasant, in full episode I was full of despair. It was unlivable. Like being on an endless looping rollercoaster with no idea when, or if, the ride would be over.

Feeling fearful but I am trying to remain here, right now, and not borrow trouble that may never come. (Is that a double negative?) 

……deep breath…….


  1. Good luck with the balance test! I hope you don't get vertigo. I get mild vertigo from time to time but nothing so severe as being unable to walk or get out of bed. That sucks.

  2. Oh Linda, I know what you are writing about. I have atypical Meniere's (no hearing loss) and I've done all the tests, the warm and cold water in my ears while wearing blackout goggles (I had a panic attack the first time they tried it, now I am a veteran, can't hit me), the stamping my legs with arms outstretched and eyes closed, the gadgets where you are basically hanging strapped up while someone pulls you here and there . . . and so on. I am on high dose betahistine (serc) as part of an ongoing study which reduced the episodes from 10 to about 4 a year. For all of last year I kept a trigger notebook to figure out what could cause an attack - in my case herpes sores on/in my mouth or nose, extremely hot weather especially if I spend time outside without a hat or similar and the usual, stress, heavy workload. If an episode goes on and on for more than a week, I gladly accept a short term cortisone impact therapy (ten days reducing every second day). Anyway, you probably know all of this.
    You will be fine, it will be manageable, you will recover, it may help you.

    The only good thing about vertigo is the relief when it's over. My husband says I always act as if I'm high on the best drugs ever when I come out of an episode.

  3. Best wishes! I've had vertigo twice in my life, and it sure wasn't something I would want to repeat.

  4. I so hope things go well with your balance test. A few years ago I had a terrible bout of vertigo that lasted a few days. Truly disconcerting in every way. Sending you the very best wishes for steady balanced results. Take care there.

  5. Good luck with the test, Linda. I sometimes wonder if my bike accidents are related to balance.

  6. I have never had this -- I hope the balance tests works out for you. Is that required before your coch implant?

  7. Been living with it for months. I get it. I hope it went well


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