Let The Sleeping Dogs Lie

 A gal in the grocery store asked me about my necklace . She said she loved it so I decided, since there was no one behind me, to tell her the story about how I got it.

I had recently allowed my then boyfriend to move in. It didn't feel quite right but I was a different version of myself 7 years ago and I let it happen. He was very convincing.

With him he brought way too much stuff for a tiny house with no closets AND two large white dogs. He loved those two chug heads but I would be lying if I told you I had any fondness for them. They had way too many counts against them:

  1. They shed. A LOT  
  2. They were a direct assault to my olfactory senses. It was a persistent and never ending battle that my nose lost every singe time.
  3. Their eyes had boogers. There is no nice way to say this. They were just gooey and yuck.
  4.  They drooled. You know...that long stringing kind that when they swung their heads would attack you.
  5. Their ears were those long droopy ones, which also frequently smelled bad and were prone to problems.
  6. They weren't very people friendly. They mostly acted like they tolerated humans.
  7. They stood at the back window, staring into the house, smearing all the dog level glass with slimy dog juice.
  8. They continued to call the "ex-wife" mom, despite the fact that it was me cleaning up dog spit and hair.
  9.  Did I mention that they shed?
One day those dogs did something naughty, attacking something that had been on the back patio. The boyfriend and I got into a whopper of an argument about it. I was, of course, righteous in my indignation and anger....

A day later I got an apology card signed with two foot prints and a small box containing a little silver wishbone hung on a black cord. I adore it. I've never been big on bling.

Well, those dogs have long since joined the soul soup, the necklace sits around my neck and the man......he made the cut. Boy Scout has since developed "better" taste in dogs. Our big one doesn't shed at all and only occasionally drools when the scooping of dinner takes a little too long.

And the little one......
She makes this chronically serious human laugh. 

Life is good.

This is a drooling, shedding machine. Trust me!
Clumber Spaniel


  1. I'm not a fan of drooling dogs either, fur I can cope with but not drool. It's gross. Soul soup, I like that.

  2. Well, at least the story has a happy ending and less dog drool!

  3. The drooling is hard to take but the love of the creature usually wins out for me.

  4. I like the way it turned out but I would have been very frustrated with the hair and the drool. My little cat loses hair all over--no drool though.


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