In The Home Stretch

It happened so slowly that I didn’t really know it had. This little big town has become home.

The largest city in Oregon, with less than 650,000 people, has half the population density per sq mile of my home town of Los Angeles. Traffic can get bad but nothing by comparison. 

The people are unique, hence the city motto of “Keep Portland Weird”, and they’ve grown on me. In general, they are a little more small town than I’m used to so….a bit kinder. It’s a forest. I love the trees.

The food is amazing! Gourmet food carts, hole in the wall restaurants, frequent nominees and winners of the James Beard awards (best new restaurant 2023 Kann). No need to step foot in a chain restaurant here, there is food on every corner and it’s good.

I’m finally feeling connected. It’s taken awhile. I had to get beyond my grief and I have. It doesn’t hurt anymore which is lovely. It helps to be out in the garden after a long winter. The rhodys and azaleas were stunning, as were there dogwood and double cherry trees.

Boy Scout and I have decided we will grow old together, here in Portland, and then….we will walk each other home. 

Life is good, really good.

Off to fight a colossal azalea lace bug infestation. 

Have a fabulous day.



  1. Thank you for sharing the good news, Linda. When you love the place you call home, life is great. That’s how we feel anyway!

  2. I'm glad you're settled and happy in your new city!

  3. It takes time but it happens and that's a lovely thing.

  4. Oh Linda, this post makes me smile so big and gives me great joy.

  5. How nice to read this, well done to you both.

  6. I'm happy to hear all of this Linda. We still are not thrilled with the area, but great medical. LoL

  7. This is such a sweet love story in every way... your new home and your Boy Scout. Truly wonderful. I am so happy for you.

  8. How wonderful that you've found HOME.


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