I’ll Take A Rain Check

Yesterday I worked in the yard. It was a lovely, centering time. In my thoughts, enjoying the beauty, moving my body. It was warm, the dogs were content in my company and I was loving life.

Boy Scout went to a memorial for the wife of our neighbor Gary. When he returned home he said he’d take me to dinner 🥳. We opted for a new food cart collective in a neighborhood called Woodstock. Grabbing a nice little isolated table, complete with umbrella, we settled into dinner and a couple of games of cards. The light breeze was warm, the place packed with loads of young families and four legged creatures, a great atmosphere. 

I felt a couple of drops of water on my arm, then on my back. Then that warm musky scent of petrichor reached into my senses, reminding me of every other time that smell wrapped me up and made me feel, somehow, like home. God, how I love it. 

The sky above us opened, which was interesting, because all I could see was gorgeous blue sky. The table umbrella was hiding the grey clouds from my view. Coming down were big, sloppy drops, spaced out and very splashy. It was wonderful! It beckoned to the children who, suddenly, were all old chums instead of complete strangers. They started dancing with abandoned, laughing with their whole bodies in the rain. Portland moms and dads are not afraid of a little water.

After that, a deluge. A wonderful wet downpour that lasted a good 3 or 4 minutes. 

And all Boy Scout and I could do was sit there and smile, knowing we would remember this moment for a good long time  

Boy Scout carried these pallets out to the back of the property and I, with the help of dogs, constructed our new composting station. Trying to do our part in limiting our contributions to the landfill.


  1. Nothing like warm summer rain on a beautiful day! Nice composting station!

  2. Dancing in the rain is a great attitude to have, even when the rain is merely metaphorical.

  3. The rain usually doesn't last long here either. We could have a five minute downpour then it's back to a sunny sky. :)

  4. Oooh!! I have a compost pile made of pallets, and my husband keeps talking about adding a second section. Great minds think alike! :) It's nice to have a place to put veggie scraps and moldy bread. And when I buy fruit and veggies that I don't get around to eating, the sense of guilt is a bit lessened when I can add them to the compost.

  5. Very nice composting station!


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