Coming Around Again!

I set this blog up, almost 9 years ago, to vent, share, work out the life I was living. A recently broken marriage of 30 years, a mom whose kids were now adults, a woman starting over, a person reckoning with her inner family, getting ready to heal.

Lately I've found that I don't have a ton to say and have thought about abandoning this blog I have come to love. 

Maybe I just need to reinvent it. 

I am no longer my problems, I am my answers. I am not my hurts, I am more resilient. Not so much a victim, which is how my inner teenager got her needs met, but more a gal learning to stand on her own two feet, learning to ask for help without manipulation and finding that inner peace is far preferable over inner fear and dread of what might come next.

Fun and fascinating....growing up at 59.

So, I would like to introduce what got me started..........

Sunday, September 21, 2014

To Start

I've decided that weekends are too long.

How does one adjust from being a wife of 29 years to being alone? Slowly and compassionately I guess.

Slowly, because it is hard to fill so many hours that once belonged to a married couple. Waking, planning and falling asleep alone. Movies, shopping, travel and beach clean-ups were once done with my I'm looking for others to fill that spot or go alone or maybe try to go but then just sit in my car feeling anxious, eating a meal alone and then returning home. Work is a balm....time spent not thinking, just doing.

Compassionately, because these feelings are okay, right?  I'm allowed to take this time to mourn what I have lost, grieve the hole my heart, adjust my dreams and try to move forward. Having a good cry when Carly Simon sings Coming Around Again and I go back in time when 4 or 5 of us danced around the house together, singing at the top of our voices, so happy.... and then I tell myself, "That's OK honey. A few tears and then pull yourself together."

My first post.......5 years from now I will look back at this post and love this damaged, hurting lady but will take pride in the fact that she kept moving forward, looking for happiness and knowing that she found within Invincible Summer.

and to say I love this gal, we are still moving forward and life just keeps getting better. An Invincible Summer glows softly in my heart, not only for my loved ones but for who I was and who I am now. I think I might stick around. I may have found a new voice.


  1. I salute your growth, change and victory!

  2. You are in a new stage of your life and enjoying the moments! You've come so far.

  3. I think this deserves an Atta Girl! The work you've done wasn't easy but you came through with flying colors. Be proud of yourself.I like this chapter of your life. Plz keep writing.❤️

  4. What an incredible journey, Linda! Well done, young woman! You got this!

  5. A nine year gap between these posts. I applaud your positivity Linda. It seems that even in your darkest days a little candle flame of self-belief and hope kept flickering away. You were not going to give in to the hurt - like a flood survivor clinging to a log.

  6. Learning to love and accept the earlier 'injured' self is a process. I love that you have come so far! I'm glad that you are finding a new voice.

  7. So many changes since you started this blog, you should be very proud. Lots of memories old and new. Nice to see this post, have a wonderful week, Linda.


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