Being Nice

Standing in line at a restaurant, the checker says to me that the soda dispenser is not working. A gent in a mechanics uniform walks by and replies that it will be working in just moments. I finish checking out and go get my napkins and wait to get my ice.

The worker is finishing up. I ask him how is day is going. He looks surprised and says that they are finally starting to catch up and that the company has been way behind in servicing their clients. He's been working a ton of overtime and is not happy about it.

"Well, it's good you're catching up then", I say. He finishes up and starts to walk away. He turns around and says with a big smile, "Thank you. Usually I am just invisible to everyone. You have a great smile and you've made my day".

I thank him and tell him I hope the rest of the day goes well.

Just a small interaction and we both walked away feeling pretty good. It's not hard to be nice.

I really do hope the rest of his day was good.


  1. My husband is a service guy and he gets frustrated that people don't see his work or appreciate it. Appreciation of work always feels so good. You saw him, that's what we all want:)

  2. I love that you spoke with that service guy. Kindness is the true gift of the heart.

  3. What a lovely interaction! Perfect!

  4. There are so many "invisible" people behind the scenes doing important (but often ignored) work.

  5. Very cool, a nice little interaction.

  6. Very cool! A nice little interaction.

  7. I LOVE this. We never know when we make a difference. You did.

  8. Oh you know I agree with you. I say hello as I am passing people in the hall at the hospital and they always looked startled and then they smile and say nice things. It's not that hard. Most days while there I want to cry but it's amazing how just a smile and an acknowledgement of your existence sure helps. You are a good woman Linda!!


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