Just What The Doctor Ordered

Hi there…..it’s been awhile. 

I’m here. I’m reading but just haven’t had much to write about until today.

I started the cochlear process. Finally met with the ENT surgeon. He came in the room acting kind of frustrated, started asking loads of questions about my hearing, when I first noticed it, how it manifests itself, how much vertigo I’ve experienced, etc, and then, finally, said that he felt fairly confident that I had been misdiagnosed. Misdiagnosed by four different doctors. FOUR! It’s hard to say if part of this is gender bias. At least two of them were dismissive assholes but they might have been that way to everyone. Who knows?

Apparently bilateral Ménière’s disease is fairly rare, and my vertigo episodes do not match typical Ménière’s disease symptoms. My air/bone gap (basically the difference between the hearing through the ear vs bone conduction of sound) is huge, which is not Ménière’s disease typical either. He was angry on my behalf but need not have been. I had more than enough of my own. I guess “otosclerosis” is fairly common in child bearing women. I noticed the loss between baby 3 and 4.

If all goes as expected, my hearing loss is fairly treatable. It won’t be perfect but it will be substantially better. If he is right, and he is sure he is, I will have a stapedectomy (replacement of the stapes) and my loss will go from profound to moderate. A huge difference. This last year has been rather heartbreaking in regards to finding a decent job and connection. It is hard to make friends, develop relationships, when you can’t hear what anyone is saying unless you are alone, in a perfectly quiet room.

I will get to grateful but right now I’m angry.


  1. Linda, the anger is understandable for sure. Hope is on the horizon…

  2. This is such wonderful news. I hope all goes well in every way. I'm looking forward to updates.

  3. Oh my. Can you imagine? Of course you (and he) would be angry. And joyful that a) you finally have an accurate diagnosis and b) a plan that is being implemented. I think your life will be changing for the better and I'm so happy for you.

  4. I'm glad that it's finally diagnosed, can be treated and that you will move forward from this with improved hearing! Not being able to participate in the hearing world is so isolating--not what any of us need.

  5. Anger is understandable. But I am glad you now have a path forward and hope.

  6. Tears came to my eyes as I read this. Fingers crossed.

  7. I hope this doctor is right and the four others were wrong. How incredibly frustrating! Your anger is justified!

  8. I'd be angry too but I'm so glad that he'll be able to help and you'll be able to hear. That's wonderful!


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