Choose Well


Courage is what love looks like when tested by the simple everyday necessities of being alive.


It really does take courage to choose love in this world. To  remove all the guardrails installed with every hurt, every wrong doing, every traumatic event, all the rejections.

This week held the first truly clear days in Portland in months. It's been a long, chilly winter. The sun coming up over the Cascade Mountain range was a tender gift of renewal.

Today I will choose love. Is there really any other choice? Not for me.


  1. We're having some gorgeous weather too, then we drop by 20 degrees! I choose love--but carefully and with boundaries to protect myself the best I can. Been burned.

  2. May choosing love pay off big time for you!

  3. We're due for sun tomorrow. We haven't seen it in ages. I can't wait!

  4. I need to rechoose love. Right now I'm stuck in irritation.

  5. Love is always a great choice!


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