It’s A Good Day

As I practice my gratitude this morning it’s easy to find the beauty around me. The snow covered graves do not hinder the wildlife from foraging. A mama and her fawn, keeping one cautious eye on me, are finding food. Rabbits are everywhere. A murder of crows, staying close together, are making me wish I had brought some seeds with me but they are not going hungry. The sky is indecisive about how it is feeling, first lightly weeping and then deciding a dusting of fluttering flakes is more appropriate. Gorgeous.

Boy Scout is on my mind. That man, in constant pain from sports injuries and a bad car accident in his early 20’s, never ceases to amaze me in his ability to find joy, humor and a deep connection to his inner child. His car accident severed the tendons that lift the front of his foot so his gait is a step and a sort of slap, step slap step slap. I love when we walk and I know he is near without even seeing him.

He also has benign tremors in his hands. It doesn’t seem to trouble him over much, he manages. Sometimes, when we say hello or goodbye, he will tenderly put his hand at the back of my head to kiss me and I will feel the tremor just a bit. It makes me smile and it reminds me of just how much love him.

He often tells me that I am getting the best of him. I don’t need him to tell me to know that. In a sense, we’ve grown up together, albeit quite late. We are learning how to be our best selves for ourselves and doing so makes us so much better for the people we love. The Boy Scout has a great big personality with a deep booming voice and a quick wit that he used to good effect in the business world but it had a price. He’s so much quieter now, realizing that other peoples stories have value, and no longer needs to be the center of attention. People are finding him more kind, reliable and sensitive to their feelings. 

When you find yourself acceptable you don’t have to look to others to tell you it’s true. You can bring your authentic self to the table.

This morning is peaceful and gray and I am grateful. 



  1. Beautiful on many levels. I'm very happy you and Boy Scout have each other.

  2. "When you find yourself acceptable you don’t have to look to others to tell you it’s true. You can bring your authentic self to the table.

    This morning is peaceful and gray and I am grateful."

    My inner child thanks you for this post.

  3. It's nice when you have good days.

  4. Wise words. Self-acceptance takes most of us too much time to arrive at. And all the agonies and negative thoughts beforehand, oy.

  5. My heart is so full of joy as I read this post. I love that you have given each other the best of each other. It is profoundly beautiful.


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