Change Is Good…Or Is It?

Coffee with a new friend today. For the most part, it was enjoyable. She’s warm and personable, tells a good story and I just like her. I now know her upbringing, her troubles, her spiritual bent.

We talked a bit about our relocation to PNW and my job search. I was a little vulnerable sharing my disappointment and concern about the future. Told her I was trying to stay present, live in the moment, but not always succeeding.

Then she says, “Well, you know what to do about it.”, with a smug look on her face. I was confused. Do I? Do I know what I can DO about it? I waited…….”Make a change”, she says.

Make a change? Exactly what change did she mean? 

She made assumptions about me. She assumed I’ve been sitting at my little ole desk crying woe is me. She assumed I haven’t sent out more than a hundred resumes, or taken a job I had to quit because I could not hear because of the warehouse noise, or been quickly eliminated by every head hunter when they cleverly managed to coerce my approximate age out of me, or that I turned down a job that looked too good to be true because it WAS too good to be true, etc etc etc.

And she forgot a few things. She forgot I’m getting ready to turn 60 and look it. She forgot I’m deaf. She has no idea that I can barely use a phone unless I can blare the speaker (which doesn’t work in most offices) or sit in my car and run the call through the stereo system.

She, in her giant house, with no need to work at all, assumed she had the answer for me. Make an effing change?

She thinks she knows me without making the effort to get to know me. 

I do like her but I may leave this one alone. I’ll give it some thought once I get over some tender feelings. 


  1. People make assumptions all the time, don't they -- and often, very unfair ones.

  2. She sounds entitled and unpleasant. Make a change? Really? She needs to drag her head out of her ass and try listening. Just my opinion:)

  3. "Make a change" like that is so easy to do? I generally don't like people who make assumptions and judgements or give me advice without me asking for it. There are too many of those people in the world and I avoid them.

  4. Not everybody is a friend and people mouthing hyperbole are often best left behind.

  5. Make a change? Hmm. I think re-upping your life in a new community is a change. I think checking out jobs is a change. I think considering and planning for a cochlear implant is a change. I don't think I would have shut up after hearing that remark!

  6. She certainly seems clueless about her own privilege. :-( I think careful consideration is a good idea--you'll know what is best for you.


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