Prepare For Battle.

I read articles/books of  remaking myself, finding new dreams and taking control of my destiny.

I hear about stories of finding passion, harnessing my creativity and networking to my advantage.

Then I am reminded that, for the most part, those prompts, those motivational speeches, those challenges for meaningful change are not directed at me. Just a short time ago, just a blink of an eye ago, I was the proper audience. In marketing terms, "the target demographic". Since then, I slipped without knowing it. There was a tectonic shift that I failed to notice. The advantage of youth is gone.

There are days when it shocks me. All I really need is a good face lift and a new set of ears so that the woman I see in the mirror accurately reflects the woman that lives in my heart.

No, no, I have no intention of getting a facelift. Even if I had money I wouldn't do that. I just fully understand why so many women do. It certainly is a kind of investment in ones future earning ability, among other things. I desire to be valued for who I am right now, just as I am.  

I want to remake, redream, take charge. This world would rather I take a seat in the back, where I don't disturb, stay under the radar. 

I don’t know that I have the energy to fight it. At least not at the moment. 


  1. It is strange hitting that point when you realize that you'll never live on an acreage, probably never buy another house, there's no point in upgrading my nursing skills because I'm on my way out of that. And then I remember I'm sixty now. Wow. Strange times indeed.

  2. I agree with Pixie--it's hard to let go of youth, possibilities and dreams. It's not that we have to do so, just that so much is unrealistic once we pass a certain age.

  3. "Youth is wasted on the young," they say, and it's true!

  4. I remember when a friend went on a sabbatical to travel for several months all over Mediterranean countries and reported back that since women over 55 have become invisible she as a female solo traveller can finally feel safe.
    The world is not kind to women, never has been. This is where sisterhood comes in.

  5. I just had a similar talk with my ninety year old MIL. Aging sucks and it’s hard not to let it get to you! Then I think it is a privilege not everyone gets…but…

    Take care, Linda.

  6. I'm feeling it these days. I told Rick recently I felt "broken." Adjusting is hard, especially when one is inclined to fight back. Happy medium? Trying. Rest. Then attack.

  7. Ignore the social pressure to stay young. Ignore all of it if you can. Just be, it's actually a relief to let all that go and just be.


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