I'm So Glad To Hear That

On the prompting of my blogging friend Pixie, who said the right thing at the right time, I went in for a consultation for Cochlear Implants. I was shocked at how much my hearing has degraded in the last two years. 

The Boy Scout, on the other hand, was not shocked at all. I remember telling him early on that he would tire of being with someone with hearing loss. It can be annoying, cause all kinds of miscommunication, people can feel unheard and there are times where I require help to make sure nothing is missed. He, of course, laughed at my prediction. In truth, I could not have picked a more patient partner when it comes to this particular issue but I know it wears on him at times.

The result of the test:  Severe to profound across the board. 

That was a surprise but what surprised me most was that I, yes little ole me, have been a candidate of Cochlear for quite some time. My mistake was waiting for my trusted professional to tell me so. Why in the world did I think that the person whose livelihood counted on me purchasing hearing aids from them would tell me it is time for you to go a different direction?

I feel foolish and disappointed with myself for not being my own advocate!

Ah well, past is past.

Kaiser will be able to get me an ENT appointment as early as mid May!!!  A 3 month wait. I wonder how long my wait will be to get the surgery. 

I was hoping it would be quick so that I could start a new job search. I need more hours, I need more money, I need health insurance but more than anything, I need to be able to hear to get a better job.

PS. I am keeping a small place in my heart that hopes that in getting the Cochlear I will have some blessed relief from this ever present, never ending tinnitus. Not all do, but I have hope.


  1. A very promising step forward! I'm glad you advocated for yourself and am grateful to Pixie for her encouragement to do so.

  2. That seems like very hopeful news! My fingers are crossed for you!

  3. I've heard that hearing loss is terribly isolating and hard to cope with. I hope you get those implants ASAP and that they open the world of sound back up to you. Good luck!

  4. I have hope with and for you, Linda. Three months is good! I hope by the time you see the specialist, it is a short wait. That’s how it works here anyway.

  5. Well, that's good news -- very promising! Yay to Pixie for putting a bug in your ear, so to speak!

  6. That's fantastic. I'm so happy for you:)

  7. That's very encouraging. Good for you!

  8. I can relate on the every present tinnitus. It's so annoying, isn't it? Never ending. I am thrilled that you qualify and that you are ready to make this big leap. It sounds like a very promising thing for your future and I'm so very happy for you, Linda.

  9. I am so happy to read this!
    When I was diagnosed with autoimmune inner ear disease (one aspect of Wegener's granulomatosis) now over ten years ago, I was told to expect hearing loss within weeks or months as my main symptoms at the time were fluctuating hearing loss and an entire orchestra of tinnitus with balance loss and fever. Well, it didn't happen, my hearing is still fine, my balance is shot to pieces often and the tinnitus comes and goes. I have learnt to live with it and medication does/did wonders. But my biggest fear in these early days was losing my hearing and my best moment was when one of the many experts I had to see at the time laughed and said that hearing loss was the least of my problems and the one thing that could be dealt with fairly easily. He explained all about cochlear implants and I remember coming home that day feeling hopeful and happy.


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