Long In The Tooth

The Boy Scout walked into the dentist office early this morning with the slumped shoulders and the slow gait of a defeated man. 

He just started the new semester at college when a dental emergency hit. A very painful dental emergency. But having Kaiser and being strapped for meaningful cash, a dental emergency doesn’t mean quickly getting into your trusted dentist and being cared for humanely. It means “We will get you in February 24.” He sat with that for a few days until I was sure that if we had a gun he’d use it on himself. Kaiser finally fit him in in two days. On his way to the appointment, they called to say they had to cancel. The dentist, for whatever reason, would not be showing up. 

Finally today, at 7:00 am, he will have his problem addressed. That won’t fix the other health problem he is having which, being a delicate matter, I won’t discuss. He and his doctor will discuss it tomorrow morning. He gashed his head on the car door and looks like he could use butterfly bandaids on it. 

He’s feeling old and cash poor and, well, defeated. 

This is unusual for the guy who always seems to find something to be grateful for. It makes me a little nervous, not know quite how to respond. He’s human. 

Tomorrow will be better. 


  1. Dental pain is the WORST. I hope he gets some relief from it soon, and from his other health issues as well. Hang in there, Boy Scout!

  2. I wish we could talk. Live this. Defeated is a good word. I hope he is feeling better very very soon for you both!! ((hugs))

  3. A toothache is no fun, it takes over your life until it is taken care of. Hope Boy Scout can get relief soon.

  4. I hope he feels better when the dental issue is resolved. Dental pain is unbearable!

  5. Hoping for the best! As for how to respond, I think everyone enjoys a little "Oh you poor kid" once and a while.

  6. It makes me so angry that Kaiser made him wait so long in dental pain. NOT ACCEPTABLE! Health care is so broken these days. I am so sorry that your husband had to endure so much pain. I hope it can all be resolved as quickly and painlessly as possible.

  7. I hope he's better and can feel more himself. Being in pain/injured saps the joy and energy out of us. Wishing for happier days ahead. xoxo

  8. I so hope things will get better soon for him - and for you.

  9. I hope he is feeling better by now--pain is exhausting. May the days ahead be easier for you both.


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