Cold Comfort

I must be perfectly honest. I have to admit that growing up and all the way through to the time that I left my home in Southern California, I could not imagine why anyone would want to live anywhere else. Statistically many others seem to agree with me. While California is the third largest state in this crazy country, it it by far the most populated (although, admittedly, it is not the most densely populated). Where I grew up, the climate is lovely most of the time, it is close to the mountains, close to the beach, close to the high desert. We had Disneyland, Knot's Berry Farm, and Magic Mountain, incredible shopping, great art, the music was incredible, etc etc etc.

Ok, ok, I know there are earthquakes but, to be quite honest, the bulk of us are not too fussed about it. You’ve gone through enough of them and you grow accustomed to the idea.

Really it was more about the weather than anything else. Warm weather went from about April to October. Some of the warmest days I remember were a few thanksgivings when all we’re wearing shorts and tshirts in the pictures. Even the cold months were not all that cold.

This morning, here in Portland, is is 33°F (so 5° C) and the roads are lined with magical, icy sparkles that beckon to me as I drive. I’m here with my sleeping soldiers and it is cold cold cold. Mt. Hood is, once again, completely buried deep in its white shroud. The trees that choose to sleep through the cold months are well on their way to deep slumber. There is a huge murder of crows surrounding my car, picking at the puddles and hunting for food in the frozen grass. 

I finally get it. The unique and ever changing beauty of “real” seasons are calling out to a deeper part of my being, urging reflection, waiting to surprise me with something new. I love it. 

Speaking of something new…….

Meet Hazel. Our new little bundle of love wrapped in fur.


  1. Aww, Hazel is a cutie! What a great thing a puppy is at Christmas!

  2. The is a beauty in the seasons but there is lots to love about California! Yay! A new family member! Cutie!

  3. What a real cutie Hazel is. Treats for the pose? :)

  4. My older daughter lived in California (Santa Monica and West Hollywood) for 6 years getting her PhD at UCLA; I loved visiting but also enjoy the seasons (even the rain!) of Washington. There is beauty everywhere though, different kinds of it. That said, I wouldn't want to live in the desert or anyplace too remote.

  5. Glad you're enjoying the variety of seasons and weather. And oh, little Hazel, what a cutie!

  6. OMG Hazel is so cute!

    I have to say that California doesn't appeal to me. Too many people, too hot, too much traffic. I wouldn't mind a slightly milder climate but then it would be more crowded because would want to live here. Catch 22.

  7. Hazel is darling. I'm so happy for you. As to the weather, I'm missing the cold and snow for the very first time since we moved from New York State to Florida eight years ago. There is definitely a magical quality to the dramatic change in the seasons.

  8. Frosty cold here too in Humboldt County this morning. There is a sparkling prettiness to the season. Hazel is adorable!


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