Throwing Caution To The Wind

The wind is gusting and while it is not my beloved Santa Ana winds, with their warmth and incredible energy, I’ll take what I can get. I love wind. 

Wikipedia describes:

Santa Ana winds are known for the hot, dry weather that they bring in autumn (often the hottest of the year), but they can also arise at other times of the year.[3] They often bring the lowest relative humiditiesof the year to coastal Southern California, and “beautifully clear skies.”[4]

With that description I can’t help but wonder who wouldn’t love the Santa Ana’s but I reluctantly admit that the fires that often accompany these winds are a very strong con.

In my junior year of high school I fell in love with a windy song. It spoke of longing and nostalgia, feelings that were still quite foreign to a 16 year old, but I love me some Bob Segar. I leave you with a little bit of 59 year old nostalgia, a feeling that I am much acquainted with these days. 


  1. Love Bob. ❤️ thanks. As for your current winds...enjoy as much as possible with a warm tea 🍵

  2. My Bob Seger memory involves Rock-n-Roll Never Forgets. Bill and I were newly moved in together. I was 18 and pregnant. The woman in the apartment above us played that song at high volume every single day and several times a day. Never any other song. Just that one.

    1. Not one of my personal favorites but I have to say that even the best of them have their limits. That's a bit much.

  3. Love that song. Wish I loved wind like you do! It is a way of life here but it’s not a Santa Ana, that’s for sure!

  4. I love that song. Here's another wind song.


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