Hit The Nail On The Head

I've become a jack of all trades (or better yet, A Jill of All Trades). I've painted and spackled, plumbed and cleared plugged drains, put in flooring and new base board using our new to us miter saw, used specially designed paint to cover some old sinks that I cannot afford to replace at the moment, pulled up carpet and spot repaired the old flooring. I've put the router, the cordless drill/screwdriver, the Dremel and WorkX (high frequency oscillating tool), along with the miter saw to good use. That WorkX is my personal favorite because it does a little bit of everything only a lot faster.

Today, with the help of a YouTuber, I fixed the garage door that has not been operating properly for over a month. I am feeling accomplished.

Now it's time to clean out that damn garage. It makes me crazy how disorganized and whack-a-doodle it gets. Ah well, another day. It's far too cold to stay out there for long. A parka and heavy gloves are not conducive to organization. I may have to wait until after Christmas.

Happy Monday all.


  1. Yay, Linda. You have learned a lot. Well done, woman!

  2. It's cold here too! I've had to learn to do a lot since my husband died 10 years ago. YouTube has been invaluable.

  3. You're becoming a real DIY-er -- great skills to have!

  4. While you're waiting for it to warm up, how about you come over to help me? It's nice and warm and 🌞 sunny.

  5. Well done. It's amazing what you can learn on youtube.

  6. Before you know it, you'll be walking around with a tool belt on. :)


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