Get That In Writing

I received an email from a friend. She’s a good friend who is wonderfully warm and well educated, an author, a counselor, a survivor and so much more.

I read the email. It was beautifully written to me and 3 other women who have become a group of mutual love and adoration. We are in our 3rd year of studying and recovering. We are 3 years into sharing our lives, struggles and victories. 

As I read it, all my writing, ranging anywhere from pathetic to well expressed, paled in comparison and I wondered why I ever thought I could, in these minuscule ways, write at all. I saw what a fabulous education and deep introspection afforded her. I felt shame.

Then, I took a full, intentional, generous breath, held it there for a few seconds and let loose. When I did, I let loose of the shame and the unworthiness. The sentence structure that may be questionable, the vocabulary that is limited, the tenses that flip and flop, the over and under use of commas that frustrate the hell out of me. All that, I let it go.

My writing is me, my story, my heartache, my quest for gratitude. It’s fine the way it is. 


  1. I worry about all that too and finally just say, fuck it:)

  2. Your writing is beautiful, heartfelt, real, and moving... always.

  3. You write very well! Your writing style is YOU and that's a good thing to be. Don't ever feel less-than.

  4. I think we all worry about that and you're right, your words are you and that is absolutely fine and the way it should be.

  5. Absolutely right! You are the BEST author of your own story and thoughts!

  6. You are a beautiful writer and speak from the heart. You are the only one who can write your story.

  7. You are actually a great writer! I have often read your words and thought about how beautiful a sentence was or how well a thought was expressed. It is true that you are the best author of your own story, but beyond that, in an objective way, you are a fine writer.

  8. It really is! You write beautifully! Be proud of it!

  9. Your writing is wonderful the way it is. We do a bad number on ourselves, comparing ourselves in any way to someone else!


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