By The Book......

I finally picked up my first Louise Erdrich book. I've heard all the hype. I am aware of all the awards but for some reason I resisted. 

Then the spirit moved me and I got The Master Butchers Singing Club. The book is well written and has an interesting story. Her language is lush, characters flawed and she demands that we look at the complete person. 

Even if I had not liked the book as a whole, the last chapter of the book is so stunningly beautiful that it would be worth the time spent. I had to read and reread it again and again. I would share it but, darn it, it's the last 3 or 4 paragraphs and it doesn't seem right to do so, just in case you decide to read it.

If you are not a fan or uninterested, at least go to your local bookstore, pick it up and read the last 3 or 4 pages. You won't be sorry.


  1. I haven't read much Erdrich. Your response to the last part of the book makes me want to read this one :-)

  2. I haven't read a book in so many years. After dropping out of a Masters Program in Literature, I couldn't pick up a book to read without looking for things to write a paper about. So, I stopped. I would love to read the last four pages of this book. Maybe I'll be able to find it online.

  3. Yes, she's an author who has been on my "to read" list for quite awhile. Haven't read anything of hers yet, but I'll tuck away your recommendation of "The Master Butchers' Singing Club" for future consideration!

  4. I find the thing about her novels is that they grab you eventually, even the ones that initially feel odd and all over the place. I've read every one of them and if you read some more of her work, you'll find that many of her characters appear again and again. The best in my opinion are The Round House and Tracks.

  5. Thanks for the recommendation, Linda. I’ll look for this author.

  6. I read one of her books, "The Sentence" and enjoyed that. I'll have to take a look at this one. Thanks.

  7. I've never read that one but I (and my Book Club) loved "The Round House."


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