Bits Of This & Bits Of That

We talked about doing it for awhile. There are already quite a few “Little Libraries” in the neighborhood so we knew we weren’t going to do one of those even though I love them.  

Neither of us being especially handy, we had to wing it. It took way longer than we had hoped. Eventually I found a wine gift box that held two bottles. I removed the lid and hinged it to the top of the box. I used my router to put a slit in the top to the box so that we could slide some clear acrylic to keep the weather out. Found a mailbox base to attach it to the post. Spray paint in a color that blends into the landscape  

The Boy Scout got help from Gary, our dear neighbor, that has to be 85 if he’s a day. They dug the post hole and Gary helped him keep it level as he put the cement around the post. This is our Poetry and Prose Box.

We are putting in words that we find beautiful. The current entry is quite special. The first time I heard it was 40 years after it was released, when my new boyfriend played it for me and I watched tears roll down his face. The song speaks of a deep loneliness that he was way too familiar with but not any more. Thank you John Prine for your beautiful poetry. 


  1. What a wonderful idea. And Words of John Prine!

  2. That is such a wonderful idea. I love it.

  3. What a super idea! I've seen poetry and such taped to lamp posts etc for people to enjoy, but never a lovely little dedicated site like the one you've created! And are those Scrabble tiles glued to the side? Charming!

  4. This is really cool! Well done, you two!


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