What We Know

I have had two episodes of deep intuition in my lifetime. Ones the stand out in my memory. I am sure there were others that came naturally and were so subtle that they were not witnessed by my conscious brain.

I have mentioned both at one time or another but they were on my heart as I try rely more and more on the knowledge my body has buried deep inside.

Both episodes came when I was a young mom. The first came around 1996/97. I was sitting with child number 3 and an inner voice said to me, “This child may be gay and, if he is, what are you going to do? Who will you be?” Now, before you judge, it was a long time ago and my world was very small but my soul challenged me to be someone different. The answer was easy….this is a person I love and value. Many years went by and I watched that child grow up as a man who had a couple a girlfriends and never spoke of his sexuality. Then one day I got a call and that man let me know that all that time he was a she, in the wrong body. My body/soul knew back then. My brain just didn’t have the right words.

The second time of overt intuition was 2001. It was a weekend in September, school had just started the Thursday before and we were doing yard work. The kids were out playing. My oldest, then 12, and youngest, then 5, joined a neighbor girl on a bike ride. They had been gone for awhile when I had a strange feeling that I cannot describe….an urge perhaps. I rose from my yard work and got my car keys, got into my car, started it and pulled out of the circular driveway. Just then I got a call from the neighbor girl. She said everything was ok but my youngest had been hit by a truck, I heard a siren in the background. She told me the corner they were on but I was already nearly there. I got out of the car but I remember that my feet did not touch the ground as I walked to my girl. It was if I was floating. I also could not hear. She lay there, on the side walk, with a man and a woman by her side. An ER nurse and a dentist had witnessed and stopped to help. She was beat up, bruised and scraped but not seriously hurt. 

I can’t explain either. The knowing……

Have you had a surprising episode of intuition? Do you rely on yours regularly?


  1. Oh yes, that "little voice within" of deep inner knowing. I've had a few episodes over the years and the little voice was always right. I only failed to listen to it once and paid the price before smartening up. Often when I hear the little voice, I have no idea why or how it's telling me something that is usually the direct opposite of what everything/everyone around me is telling me is the truth, but the little voice knows things that our conscious mind does not.

  2. Yes, since I was a very young child. Many, many, many!!. I don't discuss normally because people freak out or look at me like I have a 3rd eye. But trust them, to me it's God giving us a sign or someone ...listen to them! I'm glad you listened to yours!

  3. Yes. Oh yes. I can't explain it, but I know. It's surely not daily. It's not even weekly. but it happens regularly enough that I've learned to simply trust it. I can't even give you an example. They are usually just tiny little knowings. Nothing on a dramatic large scale.

  4. Sadly I didn't pay attention to my moment of intuition. It was back in 1970 when was 18 years old, a newcomer to California from New Jersey. I had gotten a job in a small hippie shop on the winding Topanga Canyon Road in southern Cal. It was my 4th day on the job, and I was hitchhiking. A man stopped to pick me up. I knew the moment I saw him I shouldn't get into his car, but I dismissed it. I had a job to get to, so I got in. Biggest mistake I ever made.


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