It’s What You Think It Is

Boy Scout: Was that what I think it was.

Me: pretty sure it was.

Boy Scout: You think so? 

Me: I do.

Boy Scout: A hooker with a walker?

Me: Yes, a hooker with a walker in a “Hit Me Baby One More Time” schoolgirl outfit, plaid mini and all. 

Uncomfortable laughter in the car for just a minute while we took it in. The human tragedy of Portland is so in your face and heartbreaking but every once in awhile I see something I haven’t seen before and my system has to process it. I don’t have any idea how old she was. She looked to be Filipino, no taller than 5’1”, and possibly 55 to 60 years old. Truthfully she could have been 40, lord knows the street takes its toll.  

I wish her well. I wish her food, comfort from this heat and a safe place to sleep. 

Life ain’t easy but it is much harder on some than others. 


  1. "the human tragedy of Portland" ????? Has it become a homeless state? It used to be strong thriving economy and everyone was moving there for jobs. This puzzled me. I may have to do some reading and talking to my other friends there. How sad. HOpe you two are well though!!

  2. It’s bad in most big cities and it is true here too. I’m not exactly sure why but the conservatives say it’s all the fault of the very liberal leadership. Im sure it’s more complex than that but, yes, it’s pretty bad. Small encampments all over the place.

  3. A tough profession made even tougher. Best wishes to her.

  4. I have to say, I admire a creative hooker.


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