I Could Use A Break

 I’ve cleaned up the mess left by her “non-accountant” hubby who was fired from his last job for stealing and who did her books for two years while embezzled over $100K (oddly enough, he was the one who trained me). I brought everything up to date and reconciled all un-reconciled accounts. Now the writing is on the wall. I’ll be lucky to get 10 hours of work from this company. My budget was already tight but this is untenable.  

I know I need to look for another job but I am disheartened and down. The last round of looking took forever and left me feeling about two inches tall. Two of the jobs I was offered are still looking for someone to fill their position. That tells me what I suspected in the first place. Over work or bad atmosphere, but when the pay looks too good, it almost always is. 

I’ll be 59 in a few weeks. My hearing continues to degrade. The wrinkles are far deeper now than they were before this journey began just 1 1/2 years ago. Each passing week I become less employable.

This is not how I envisioned things ending up. 

Just need a good cry. I’ll pull up my big girl pants tomorrow (or maybe the next day).


  1. I'm sorry sweetie. Can you hang out your own shingle? Become your own boss? Take on multiple small business as customers?

    1. I would do that if only it weren't for insurance. On my own it will be over 900.00 per month. That is a budget buster at this point in time.

  2. Sending you big hugs today. And every day.

  3. I know we don't really know each other, but I feel like I've come to know you through your words here on this blog. You are a strong, capable, smart, and talented woman. You've got it in you to get the job you want and to blow their minds with your talent. Take care there and stay strong, my friend.

  4. Lots of god thoughts and wishes, life will present you with the next opportunity. Always does.

  5. Sending a hug across the continent…take care!

  6. It's hard. I tend to agree with Robin, though. I hope you have someone to talk to about all this. Because it's a lot.

  7. Ah. Now I understand. You can do this. You WILL do this.

  8. 591 I remember that year. It was the year I realized I had become invisible to clerks and customer service workers. I needed to cough and knock on counters to break up conversations about last night's (or last weekend's) date or boyfriend problems. It took me a year or two to realize it wasn't me, it was them!
    Be seen! Walk tall and confident. You've got this. Own your power!
    in an age where companies can't find employees willing to work let them know you are the one they've been looking for. I know there is a perfect job out there waiting for you.


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