Private Eye

We pass by the house frequently since it sits on a busy thoroughfare. We know to look every time we pass and guess what will we see. Will it be the two Dalmatians, sitting on the couch that backs up to the giant panel window, waiting for their human to come home? Or will it be their human, sitting slightly to the right of middle (allowing for a better view of the giant mounted tv across the room) of the said couch.

They are never there at the same time. It’s one or the other.

One sleepless night, when my body was willing but my brain was not, I did a little sleuthing. It’s amazing what you can find out about a complete stranger.  

His name is Gary and, from what I can tell, he’s never been married. He has worked his way up in a air duct company. He’s now the senior VP but it’s a small company and he still goes out on jobs, judging from  the reviews on Yelp. I know he has two siblings and that their father passed away in 2018. His memorial was held in a Buddhist temple and Gary sr. sounds like he was an amazing man. 

I know those facts but I also know Gary spends most every evening watching tv and always closes his drapes before he goes to bed.  

Weird, I know but my brain can get that way at 2:30 in the morning. 

Look at them, waiting for their Gary.


  1. Maybe you should get a job as a private investigator! Amazing what you can find on the internet!

  2. It's wild and a little disconcerting what we can find out about people on the internet.

  3. Maybe you should choose a career as a P.I. Apart from the danger, it would be an interesting gig!

  4. okay a bit creepy. I agree with Jeanie, use these skills for the greater good and be a P.I. 🤣🤣 Gary sounds like a good dude though. His dogs sure think so!😁

  5. It's shocking and amazing what you kind find out on the internet.

  6. Where I live, in Sweden, you can find out everything about anyone in just a few minutes. Google a name and you will soon know all about them, almost.


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