
As I sit in my morning spot, contemplating my trip back to California, back to my girl and my family and friends, I am in awe that I know I love it here in Oregon. It feels good to be able to, despite what is missing, call it home.

Boy Scout is busy, following his passion into landscaping, meeting interesting people along the way. I am envious of his journey but so very happy to watch him become a man that he is truly proud of. 

I have hope. Hope that my community will come, that I will develop the relationships my heart desires. Hope that I keep growing and finding what I am grateful for, keeping  that as my focus rather than what is missing. Hope that despite the distances, I will continue to figure out how to remain connected and close to my children. Hope for this country will eventually heal from the hate, ugliness and fear that is so prevalent and baffling. 

Leaving home tomorrow to go back to the community I left behind. It will be good to visit.


  1. Have a safe and wonderful journey. It's good to have hope. I am hoping to find mine someday.

  2. Have a wonderful visit! Safe journey, Linda!

  3. have a great trip! Enjoy every minute!

  4. Have a wonderful visit,Linda. Be safe!

  5. Oh I hope you will have a good visit.

  6. Safe travels. Enjoy family, community and sun!

  7. I'm glad you have found hope and happiness in your new home. Safe travels and wishes for a grand time.


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