Checking In

While visiting California, something inside urged me to stop by my former brother-in-law at his place of business. Craig is tall and lanky, and when I look at him I can still see that young man who ran track in high school and desired a big family.

I thought he might be retired but there he was, sitting at the same spot that he has sat at for the last 35 years, working away. I knocked on the door and went in. He did not expect me, did not recognize me for a few seconds, and then the look of surprise. He’s a serious guy, not outwardly expressive, so the lack of enthusiasm didn’t put me off. 

We caught up. He did not know the Boy Scout and I had moved to Portland. I did not know he has a girlfriend who has grandchildren that call him grandpa. That made me smile. It was light hearted.  

I switch gears, expressing my hope that he was well. He smiled with a look of regret and said,  “Well, I knew my life was over when they took her away in handcuffs”.  “Her” is Dana, my ex-husbands sister. She had always been an extremely difficult person even as a young child. I suspect undiagnosed mental illness but I’m no expert. Perhaps she’s just narcissistically selfish. Nothing was ever easy with her. Nothing! I never knew what he saw in her but they were together for 40 years before he had to call the police when she attacked him with a knife. 

I could relate. Brother and sister both had their lives bottom out in their golden years, both had a very public run-in with law enforcement, and the people that loved them were left to figure out how to move forward. Of Craig and I, I was the lucky one. My ex was more self destructive than viciously attacking others. I also have 4 wonderful kids and we walked through much of the heartbreak together. Not Craig, he was very alone. My ex is now sober and kind of managing. Not Dana. She’s still a horribly ugly person, the victim of everyone she encounters, attacking the people that go near her. I try to remember that hurt people hurt but it is hard with her. She was pampered as a child and my ex was the one that bore the brunt of her wrath.

I let Craig know that I’m so very glad he moved on and is happy. I wished him well. He got up and hugged me. And held on. And held on. It was a sweet moment and I am extremely glad we stopped.

Our younger days. 


  1. This was a lovely visit Linda. It had to feel good.
    I love the picture. early 80s? God how I miss the beach. When you grow up living on a beach and then you have no beach, it's a difficult adjustment and you never realized just how much you'd miss it later.

  2. It sounds like you closed one chapter. The rest of the story lies ahead and it is a thriller!

  3. It was so kind and loving of you to stop by Craig's and catch up like that. I love that there are children who call him grandpa. I also love that the two of you hugged, held on, and held on.

  4. Sounds like your ex-brother-in-law's life is better now, so that's good. People endure the most outrageous behaviour sometimes.

  5. Your poor brother in law. It's nice that you got to see him and hopefully his new relationship is much better. That photo is a blast from the past I'm guessing. The '80's?

  6. I'm so glad you stopped by to see him.

  7. If we would know what's in store while sitting together as young people, I wonder how we could cope. So good of you to visit.

  8. Nice that you had a visit that was lovely for both of you!

  9. Glad that you and him had a friendly visit and are doing well these days. So much to be thankful for.


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