What Is Love

Today, when I went to work, my coworkers were putting an old golden retriever down in the parking lot. His mom was there loving on him, caressing his beautiful old grey face. I watched from the car because I didn’t want to disturb the process. 

It reminds me of how short a time we have with these creatures that we give so much of our hearts to. And how lucky we are to get the ever-so-rare unconditional love from them. 

Work is fine, I am fine. Fine is ok for now. 


  1. It's such a hard thing to do, but it's a last gift of love to end their suffering. We miss them always. My heart goes out to those people today.

  2. You remind me of the day my husband and I were taking our golden grand-dog to the vet, wondering if it was that day for our beloved pup. How fortunate we are to have these creatures in our lives for a few short years!

  3. One last act of kindness for a beloved pet -- not to let it suffer.

  4. It is such an act of loving kindness to ease our furry loved ones' suffering and help them cross the rainbow bridge.

  5. I never knew it could be so awful. Dogs are just such pure love. I swear I still hear her from time to time, her jingle of her collar, her nails on the wood floors. It's hard.

  6. It is such a difficult thing to do but one that is done with love. We never want out pets to suffer.

  7. I felt like I was there when reading this.

  8. Oh, that would be so hard to encounter accidentally. Even worse when it's your own friend.


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