Woman Of The Universe

I am not having a crises of faith. I am on a spiritual journey that does not put limits on where I can look and who I can learn from. The God of my youth in the Mormon church has been completely unacceptable for more than 40 years. The God of my young adulthood was a little better but it no longer fits well. I think it has more to do with the evolution of the Christian church in America than it has to do with my insides. 

It is my firm belief, although I am not a biblical scholar, that if the Jesus from New Testament was to come right now he would be overturning the tables in many of the "evangelical" Christian homes in this country. Are they really that different than the Pharisees with their legalistic and heartless ways? What I see is a largely insular, intolerant, uncompassionate, hate spewing group of people who will fight to keep their guns and to keep ALL women (not just their women) in their places by legislating another generation of the poverty stricken and undereducated. 

I recently ordered this. 

I don't know what I believe anymore. Right now I will practice gratitude until something else shows up and lets me know which way to go. Good enough for now.


  1. I don't think Jesus would be a Christian at all, no matter what denomination we're talking about.

    1. My view on religion is still small. It won’t stay that way.

  2. Why do you have to"go" anywhere? Sounds to me like you've got this.

  3. Organized religion and I parted ways some time ago. I wish I had seen the error of my ways sooner.

  4. I think Debra nailed it. Jesus would be appalled. I love that you are on a journey. And sharing it with us.

  5. I did 23 & Me and discovered that my Ashkenazi Jewish heritage goes all the way to my genes. I am 99.9% Ashkenazi. And yet, here I am an atheist who never believed in a god. I was raised Jewish but only celebrated Passover. That was it. No bar mitzvahs for my brothers. I believe in evolution and science, all the other made up stories have caused more wars than I can wrap my head around. I am a descendent of all that came before me, including my 4% (and I wished it was more) Neanderthal. We are all one.

  6. I have known some people who prefer to call themselves Christ followers instead of Christians for the reasons you described. They really did walk their talk, too. I had nothing but love and respect for them. Even though I was not a Christian, we stayed part of their Quaker church for the community and the chance to do public service. On the other hand, I used to know and spend time with some right-wing evangelicals and to be honest, they were the most nasty, heartless, mean, hypocritical people I have ever known. Usually they would tell me I was their only friend outside of that world and they found it odd that I was not a monster. For a while when we lived in Fairbanks, I was hanging out with a woman who I'd met in an online crochet group. I went with her to her women's group several times. I learned a lot, although not what they wanted me to learn! She told me about some very personal and traumatic experiences when we were alone, including how her church community responded to these experiences. Far from helping, they were brutal. It was heartbreaking. And she seemed afraid of them sometimes--not physically, but emotionally. I spent a good deal of time with people in that world from right across the country. It was depressing, but very informative and allowed me to understand a great deal about US culture and the way it was going (I am always wearing my anthropologist hat :-) ) This knowledge was part of what made me understand we had to make leaving a priority. It wasn't only that, but I could see where things were/are going.

    Also, I agree with Debra She Who Seeks above.

  7. I agree with Debra. Christianity was created by men after Jesus died. He wouldn't have belonged to any organized religion. He was a free spirit.


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