This Neighborhood Is Going To The....CATS

The other day I saw something that I just had to take a picture of. I missed it that day but went back later and got the shot.

Unfortunately it had been raining so the original sign isn't there but basically it  had said:

Dear neighbors: Please check this line for stuff that belongs to you. Our cat is an unrepentant thief.

Apparently a few people had come by to make a claim because there was a lot more stuff there on the first day. Gone are the golf hats and the thongs. I, personally, would not reclaim a thong. I'd let it stay if for nothing else but a good laugh.

Makes me wonder if there was a cat thief at my old house because I was always missing a work glove.


  1. I can just imagine someone's cat saying, "Meow! Be back soon! I'm just going out thong hunting!"

  2. Hilarious! It takes things from the clotheslines? I cannot imagine how it operates. Lol.

  3. How funny! What good neighbors with a little shoplifting kitty cat.

  4. The cat is probably annoyed that the found treasures are sometimes reclaimed! ;-)


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