Spring To Attention

Spring is showing up all over the place. We are excited to be experiencing it for the first time in Portland.  We've not only survived the winter but I'd even say we flourished. Every once in awhile one of us will ask the other, "Are you tired of the rain yet?". Thus far we've been able to say no. 

I think much of that has to do with the fact that we left a 22 year long drought. One has to wonder when a drought stops being a drought and just becomes the new reality. Twenty-two years is a very long time. Those years of getting rid of lawn, picking plants carefully, pulling out established plants that suck down too much water and trying to create as much shade as possible to protect the tender beings trying to eke a life out of the ground, those years got old.

Supposedly, up here in Portland we are also in a drought but it's all relative isn't it. We've spent the last 4 months where hardly a day goes by without some type of precipitation. 

Happy happy!

Our backyard is completely full of not yet blooming Rhododendrons. I can't wait to see what they all look like.

I'll leave you with a few examples of the new season....


  1. Gorgeous! We're waiting for the rhodies to burst into bloom here too. Won't be long now!

  2. Beautiful flowers and fresh Spring growth!

  3. Gorgeous! We asked that question the first year too. I love it! We too are in a drought here. We are not as bad as CA but we need rain. just to clear off the yellow pollen on everything. But it's spring and that's the positive! It's blooming.🤸‍♀️😀

  4. The blooms are beautiful. Such colour for March. Love it.

  5. I love how you are loving Portland. Your beautiful flowers are a wonderful gift of rain. Yay!!

  6. It's so nice to see springtime blooms. We don't have them yet, but I suspect soon enough. Portland seems like a good place for you!


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