Party Time

The Boy Scout and I have found some pretty good restaurants in and around Portland. No surprise there as Portland known for being weird, having a large homeless population and for great restaurants. We found our pizza joint and are really happy with it but we kept passing by a pizza place that had, apparently, been calling the Boy Scout's name.  

We did not check reviews, we just showed up. The parking lot was PACKED. Going in I was surprised at how many large groups were waiting for a table. I was thinking maybe it was the end of the day for kids sporting events; grabbing a quick dinner.

What a shock when we went around the corner to be seated and it turned out to be a sort of "Chucky Cheese" type restaurant. A place to have kiddos parties. The kind of place I have avoided like the plague despite having 4 of my own kids. 

Picture large picnic style tables, kids running everywhere, games binging and boinging loudly from the corners, party favors, many happy people, barely a mask to be seen, a nasty neglected salad bar. It wasn't pretty. 

I sit and wait for Boy Scout arrive at the table. He comes over, sits down and from that point on the smile barely left his face.  Through sub par food, people climbing all over, aging decor and Boy Scout still grinning.

I couldn't hear a word so there was no point in talking. 

We get to the car and he looks at me seriously and says, "I wish each of those kids a good, happy life."

It was fun watching him but, hopefully, I will never have to enter those doors again.


  1. The horror . . . THE HORROR! Your Boy Scout truly does love kids, doesn't he! I would not have lasted 5 minutes there.

  2. Definitely not my kind of restaurant, but I'm glad a lot of people had a fun time.

  3. I smiled through this post. A once in a lifetime experience!

  4. This brings back memories! When we lived in Milwaukie, we decided one day to try a pizza place on SE 82nd in SE PDX--Organ Grinder. We already loved Pietro's, so not sure why we opted for Organ Grinder on that day. In any case, we walked in, were met with a blast of organ noise, turned around and walked out. Back to Pietro's we went. We still laugh about our 15 second experience in Organ Grinder sometimes, even though it's been more than 30 years!

  5. An experience you probably won't forget. :)

  6. Should have said that Pietro's was always quiet when we were there!

  7. Your guy seems like one in a million!

  8. That would be my idea of hell. The things we do for love!

  9. That is so nice that he found that endearing. My husband would have turned and said, "We are out of here" He's not as nice. He would tell me he can't hear anything and the kids would drive him bonkers after awhile. See how lucky you are?


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